So, I have spent the last month working on my application to graduate school. It is a torturous process clearly designed to weed out the faint of heart. I now remember running to the post office in Tallahassee to overnight my application for my master's degree... funny how the mind forgets. Well, here I am YEARS later doing it again, and remembering all too well what a pain in the buttocks it is to get all this stuff in! Asking for recommendations is painful, nerve racking, and surprisingly time consuming, tracking down your test scores (and praying that they will still accept them even though they somehow got to be 9 years old... what!), and the worst of all.... writing my statement of purpose. Finding some way to say in two pages: this is who I am, what I've done, what I want to do, and you should totally love me because I say so. Easy, right... ummm, no!
So I sit here, late on a Wednesday night, son sound asleep, and I'm trying desperately to finish this stupid letter and get it off my plate...
But, in the end I'm so excited. I'm applying to the History department, hopping fields from Anthropology. I'm looking forward to being back in the Ivory Tower. I'm just keeping my blinders on and pretending that it's not going to a gut-wrenching pile of exhausting work ... if they accept me!
That's really exciting, Lexy! I'm curious what caused the change of heart to bring you to history?