Bedtime has been a long journey the last couple of weeks. It hasn't been that he didn't want to go to bed, he just couldn't drift off into dreamland! When he has trouble falling asleep I usually give him a quick leg massage. I must have been picking up on his troubles without realizing it because tonight I gave him a nice long massage with bedtime lotion. I was convinced he would hop into bed and drift right off.... but that was not the case. After fidgeting and pulling he legs into his chest I started rubbing them some more. Sure enough, I could feel him start to relax almost immediately. The one time I stopped, his sleepy hand sought out mine and placed it back on his calf. My growing little man! I can't believe he is getting even bigger!
The picture above is from this past weekend. I just love how it captured X contentedly playing tractor with Papa. For whatever reason, X is completely comfortable with men and not women. He instantly took to Papa and happily showed off his toys, much to Papa's joy.
I love, love this picture. What a great capture!